Pathway Wiki talk:Admin noticeboard
From Pathway Wiki
The admin noticeboard is a central page for moderators and administrators to be notified of issues that require their attention. Anyone can directly contact any site managers, but posting here increased visibility to the issue and it may be addressed more promptly.
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Before posting consider the page guidelines:
- This page is not for game questions. Use the search function or the article discussion page.
- Only registered users can edit pages, if you're having trouble editing make sure to log in to your account.
- Do not post here requesting pages to be removed. Add the template {{delete}} to the page and it will be automatically added to the category Category:Pending Deletion and flagged for moderator review.
- Spam or advertising on this page will be removed.
- Do not post questions/discussions bout content layout or page information. Content disputes and discussion can be done on the article talk page.
- Post only issues that require administrator attention. This includes things like spam/vandalism, protecting pages, and deleting pages.
- This page is for reporting issues. This page is not for page discussion, use individual talk pages for that.
- For issues relating to other users please attempt to resolve it privately before reporting to moderators.
- This site uses the publicly available MediaWiki software. It is well documented outside the site. Please do not post questions here about wiki syntax or formatting.
For issues related to page vandalism please first take steps to clean it up yourself. Articles are editable by anyone with a registered account.
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